If you’ve been around Safe Families for more than a day, you know that rarely do hostings go “according to plan”. *Sara was referred to us by HHS in Davenport after an arrest warrant was discovered by one of the local police departments. Sara’s two children were placed immediately into the home of a host family while Sara navigated the legal issues she faced. During this one week stay, Sara’s son began to struggle with his asthma. This host family took action and got him the medical help he needed. His situation was more severe than anticipated and so a two-night stay in the hospital took place. The host family couple took turns staying the night in the hospital with this young boy and caring for his 4-year-old sister. Throughout the hosting, Sara was in jail- never having met this host family- and receiving minimal updates from the hospital on her son’s condition. What a beautiful picture of loving a stranger in their time of greatest need! *name has been changed